declare @key varchar(30) set @key = 'admin' --要查找的字符串 declare @tabName varchar(40),@colName varchar(40) declare @sql varchar(2000) declare @tsql varchar(8000) declare tabCursor cursor for select name from sysobjects where xtype = 'u' AND name <> 'dtproperties' --查询所有用户表的名称 open tabCursor fetch NEXT from tabCursor into @tabName while @@fetch_status = 0 begin set @tsql = '' declare colCursor cursor for select name from SysColumns where id=Object_Id(@tabName) and xtype=167 and length=50 --查询所有用户表的列名称 open colCursor fetch NEXT from colCursor into @colName while @@fetch_status = 0 begin set @sql = 'if(exists(select * from ' + @tabName + ' where ' set @sql = @sql + @colName + ' like ''%' + @key + '%'')) begin select * from ' set @sql = @sql + @tabName + ' where ' + @colName + ' like ''%' + @key + '%'';select ''' + @tabName + ''' as TableName end' set @tsql = @tsql + @sql + ';' fetch NEXT from colCursor into @colName end exec(@tsql) close colCursor deallocate colCursor fetch NEXT from tabCursor into @tabName end close tabCursor deallocate tabCursor